Global Edge investment (USD)
Our global edge investment scheme allows customers to invest back home in dollars. With a minimum principal of $10,000, customers can receive interest payments as high as 5% (depending on the principal invested) bi-annually, annually or end of tenure.
Fixed Deposit Account
Our fixed deposit accounts are poised to offer investment options in various currencies which are Naira, Dollars, Euros and Pounds. We offer interest rates as high as 6% for Naira investments, and 5% for other currencies depending on the principal invested.
- To know more and take advantage of the savings and investment opportunities, talk to us on
- Know someone who might be interested in investing back home? Send them this link to get them started:
- To view our current exchange rate, visit,
For more information and enquiries on our diaspora banking offerings, contact us on
We are Fidelity, we keep our word.