Editors Note

Welcome dear readers to our September 2021 edition of the Fidelity Diaspora Banking Newsletter.

We are gradually winding down to the end of the year and oh, what an exciting time it has been these past months having you all on board. This month’s edition features our Product of the Month, uniquely designed just for you.  You also get to read more on the perks of sending money back home via International Money Transfer Operators (CBN’s N5 for USD1 incentive), as well as an interesting blend of business reviews to keep you up to date with happenings in the Nigerian economy.

In line with our tradition, our Diaspora Personality of the Month shines a light on a man who has been making positive impacts, both home and abroad. It is a special feature about our amazing brothers and sisters who are doing great things and making us proud all over the world.

The Culturally Curious section on Sights and Sounds ignites this feeling of nostalgia, as it beams light on a wonderful gift of nature in Kwara state.

Please feel free to send your comments and suggestions to diasporacustomerservice@fidelitybankng.azurewebsites.net